🌱 Ecosystem
Bring additional capabilities to fast-check by leveraging its rich ecosystem of extensions and plugins
This page provides a list of packages available in the fast-check ecosystem. It includes both official and third-party packages. While we can ensure the stability, usage, and maintenance of the official packages, we cannot provide any specific details or guarantees regarding the non-official packages. 1: The package has been updated in the last twelve months
2: The package has been downloaded more than 1k times per month In each section, packages marked with ⭐ and 🥇 will come first in alphabetical order, followed by 🥈 and then 🌗 and ⚠️.Follow the emojis — last update January 2024
Create arbitraries based on other libraries.
For instance:
- Many data validators enable you to define and sometimes validate runtime values and obtain accurate TypeScript types. With these packages, they can also be utilized to derive arbitraries that can be seamlessly plugged within fast-check.
- Many fake data libraries come with powerful random and seeded generators, why don't you use them as arbitraries to ease migration path to full property-based testing?
Generate random values that conform to a given Schema
. It allows you to generate random test data that is guaranteed to be valid according to the Schema
import * as Arbitrary from '@effect/schema/Arbitrary';
import * as S from '@effect/schema/Schema';
import * as fc from 'fast-check';
const Person = S.struct({
name: S.string,
age: S.string.pipe(S.compose(S.NumberFromString), S.int()),
const isPerson = S.is(Person);
const personArbitrary = Arbitrary.make(Person)(fc);
test('Only generating valid Person', () => {
fc.property(personArbitrary, (person) => {
More details on the package itself!
Convert zod validators into arbitraries for fast-check.
import * as z from 'zod';
import * as fc from 'fast-check';
import { ZodFastCheck } from 'zod-fast-check';
const User = z.object({ firstName: z.string(), lastName: z.string() });
const userArbitrary = ZodFastCheck().inputOf(User);
test("User's full name always contains their first and last names", () => {
fc.property(userArbitrary, (user) => {
const parsedUser = User.parse(user);
const fullName = `${parsedUser.firstName} ${parsedUser.lastName}`;
More details on the package itself!
Convert io-ts validators into arbitraries for fast-check. More details on the package itself!
Convert GraphQL schemas into arbitraries for fast-check. More details on the package itself!
Convert JSON Schemas into arbitraries for fast-check. More details on the package itself!
Convert idonttrustlikethat validators into arbitraries for fast-check. More details on the package itself!
Convert io-ts validators into arbitraries for fast-check. More details on the package itself!
Ease your migration path to fast-check by easily converting the arbitraries you defined for jsverify into some for fast-check. While still maintained, we do not work actively on this project given the current state of jsverify: last released in 2018.
import { jsc2fc } from 'jsverify-to-fast-check';
import * as jsc from 'jsverify';
import * as fc from 'fast-check';
// Here is an old arbitrary you prefer not to migrate for the moment
const jscArbitrary = jsc.bless({
generator: jsc.generator.bless(() => {
switch (jsc.random(0, 2)) {
case 0:
return 'foo';
case 1:
return 'bar';
case 2:
return 'quux';
// It can easily converted into an arbitrary for fast-check using jsc2fc
const fcArbitrary = jsc2fc(jscArbitrary);
More details on the package itself!
Already using TypeSpec to describe your API and generate your OpenAPI spec, JSON schema, etc.? You can use typespec-fast-check
to also generate fast-check arbitraries from your TypeSpec files.
For example, the following TypeSpec file:
model Person {
/** The person's first name. */
firstName: string;
/** The person's last name. */
lastName: string;
/** Age in years which must be equal to or greater than zero. */
@minValue(0) age: int32;
/** Person address */
address: Address;
/** List of nick names */
nickNames?: string[];
/** List of cars person owns */
cars?: Car[];
/** Represents an address */
model Address {
street: string;
city: string;
country: string;
model Car {
/** Kind of car */
kind: "ev" | "ice";
/** Brand of the car */
brand: string;
/** Model of the car */
`model`: string;
Can generate the following fast-check arbitraries file:
// Generated from TypeSpec using `typespec-fast-check`
import fc from 'fast-check';
export const Car = fc.record({
/** Kind of car */
kind: fc.constantFrom('ev', 'ice'),
/** Brand of the car */
brand: fc.string(),
/** Model of the car */
model: fc.string(),
/** Represents an address */
export const Address = fc.record({
street: fc.string(),
city: fc.string(),
country: fc.string(),
export const Person = fc.record(
/** The person's first name. */
firstName: fc.string(),
/** The person's last name. */
lastName: fc.string(),
/** Age in years which must be equal to or greater than zero. */
age: fc.nat(),
/** Person address */
address: Address,
/** List of nick names */
nickNames: fc.array(fc.string()),
/** List of cars person owns */
cars: fc.array(Car),
requiredKeys: ['firstName', 'lastName', 'age', 'address'],
More details on the package itself!
Test runners
Although not designed for any particular test runners, some users prefer to have complete integration of fast-check within their preferred test runner. To meet these needs, we have compiled a list of packages that serve as the bridge between your favorite test runner and fast-check.
Bring support for property-based testing into ava with @fast-check/ava.
import { testProp, fc } from '@fast-check/ava';
testProp('should detect the substring', [fc.string(), fc.string(), fc.string()], (t, a, b, c) => {
t.true((a + b + c).includes(b));
More details on the package itself!
Bring support for property-based testing into jest.
In addition to offering enhanced versions of test
and it
functions, this package seamlessly synchronizes the timeouts of fast-check with those of jest. You no longer need to worry about setting separate timeouts for fast-check when you have already defined one in jest. This package handles the integration effortlessly, ensuring everything gets wired out-of-the-box.
import { test, fc } from '@fast-check/jest';
test.prop([fc.string(), fc.string(), fc.string()])('should detect the substring', (a, b, c) => {
return (a + b + c).includes(b);
test.prop({ a: fc.string(), b: fc.string(), c: fc.string() })('should detect the substring', ({ a, b, c }) => {
return (a + b + c).includes(b);
More details on the package itself!
Bring support for property-based testing into vitest.
import { test, fc } from '@fast-check/vitest';
test.prop([fc.string(), fc.string(), fc.string()])('should detect the substring', (a, b, c) => {
return (a + b + c).includes(b);
test.prop({ a: fc.string(), b: fc.string(), c: fc.string() })('should detect the substring', ({ a, b, c }) => {
return (a + b + c).includes(b);
More details on the package itself!
Although fast-check already includes an extensive set of capabilities, some features have been kept aside and have not been included within the core package. These additional packages offer some extra capabilities, such as more powerful checks or new runners.
Prototype poisoning is a commonly exploited vulnerability that can lead to various security weaknesses. Historical vulnerabilities in the ecosystem have been linked to prototype poisoning but detecting and addressing them is not always straightforward. The @fast-check/poisoning package has been specifically designed to address this need.
By utilizing this package in conjunction with fast-check, you can effectively safeguard against inadvertently modifying global prototypes when your code interacts with specially crafted inputs. Using both packages together unlocks their full potential and pushes your testing capabilities a step forward.
import fc from 'fast-check';
import { assertNoPoisoning, restoreGlobals } from '@fast-check/poisoning';
const ignoredRootRegex = /^(__coverage__|console)$/;
function poisoningAfterEach() {
try {
assertNoPoisoning({ ignoredRootRegex });
} catch (err) {
restoreGlobals({ ignoredRootRegex });
throw err;
fc.configureGlobal({ afterEach: poisoningAfterEach });
test('should detect the substring', () => {
fc.property(fc.string(), fc.string(), fc.string(), (a, b, c) => {
expect(isSubstring(a + b + c, b)).toBe(true);
More details on the package itself!
By default fast-check does not change where the code runs: everything run within the original process. @fast-check/worker package allows you to delegate the execution of predicates to dedicated worker threads. It brings several advantages, including the ability to stop synchronously running predicates.
import { test, expect } from '@jest/globals';
import fc from 'fast-check';
import { isMainThread } from 'node:worker_threads';
import { assert, propertyFor } from '@fast-check/worker';
const property = propertyFor(new URL(import.meta.url)); // or propertyFor(pathToFileURL(__filename)) in commonjs
const isSubstringProperty = property(fc.string(), fc.string(), fc.string(), (a, b, c) => {
expect(isSubstring(a + b + c, b)).toBe(true);
if (isMainThread) {
test('should detect the substring', async () => {
await assert(isSubstringProperty, { timeout: 1000 });
is directly integrating with @fast-check/jest
. Checkout the official documentation of @fast-check/jest
for more details.
More details on the package itself!
External libraries leveraging fast-check, its properties and predicates to validate userland extensions.
Make sure your fp-ts constructs are properly configured. More details on the package itself!