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Define your properties.


Properties bring together arbitrary generators and predicates. They are a key building block for property based testing frameworks.

They can be summarized by:

for any (x, y, ...)
such that precondition(x, y, ...) holds
predicate(x, y, ...) is true

Equivalence in fast-check

Each part of the definition can be achieved directly within fast-check:

  • "for any (x, y, ...)" via arbitraries
  • "such that precondition(x, y, ...) holds" via fc.pre or .filter
  • "predicate(x, y, ...) is true" via the predicate

Synchronous properties


Synchronous properties define synchronous predicates. They can be declared by calling, predicate).

The syntax is the following:, (...args) => {});

When passing N arbitraries, the predicate will receive N arguments: first argument being produced by the first arbitrary, second argument by the second arbitrary...

The predicate can:

  • either throw in case of failure by relying on assert, expect or even directly throwing,
  • or return true or undefined for success and false for failure.
Beware of side effects

The predicate function should not change the inputs it received. If it needs to, it has to clone them before going on. Impacting the inputs might led to bad shrinking and wrong display on error.


The built-in property comes with two methods that can be leveraged whenever you need to run setup or teardown steps., (...args) => {})
.beforeEach((previousBeforeEach) => {})
.afterEach((previousAfterEach) => {});

They both only accept synchronous functions and give the user the ability to call the previously defined hook function if any. The before-each (respectively: after-each) function will be launched before (respectively: after) each execution of the predicate.


No need to define both. You may only call beforeEach or afterEach without the other.

Share them

Consider using fc.configureGlobal to share your beforeEach and afterEach functions across multiple properties.


Let's imagine we have a function called crop taking a string and the maximal length we accept. We can write the following property:, fc.string(), (maxLength, label) => {
fc.pre(label.length <= maxLength); // any label such label.length > maxLength, will be dropped
return crop(label, maxLength) === label; // true is success, false is failure

The property defined above is relying on fc.pre to filter out invalid entries and is returning boolean values to indicate failures.

It can also be written with .filter and expect:
maxLength: fc.nat(),
label: fc.string(),
.filter(({ maxLength, label }) => label.length <= maxLength),
({ maxLength, label }) => {
expect(crop(label, maxLength)).toBe(label);
Filtering and performance

Whatever the filtering solution you chose between fc.pre or .filter, they both consist into generating values and then dropping them. When filter is too strict it means that plenty of values could be rejected for only a few kept.

As a consequence, whenever feasible it's recommended to prefer relying on options directly providing by the arbitraries rather than filtering them. For instance, if you want to generate strings having at least two characters you should prefer fc.string({ minLength: 2 }) over fc.string().filter(s => s.length >= 2).

Asynchronous properties


Similarly to their synchronous counterpart, aynchronous properties define asynchronous predicates. They can be declared by calling fc.asyncProperty(...arbitraries, asyncPredicate).

The syntax is the following:

fc.asyncProperty(...arbitraries, async (...args) => {});


They also accept beforeEach and afterEach functions to be provided: the passed functions can either be synchronous or asynchronous.


The beforeEach and afterEach functions will always be executed, regardless of whether the property times out. It's important to note that the timeout option passed to fc.assert only measures the time taken by the actual property test, not the setup and teardown phases.