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Integrating Faker with fast-check

· 8 min read
Nicolas Dubien
fast-check maintainer

Faker is a well-known and powerful library for generating fake data. It provides a wide range of random but realistic-looking data generators. However, testing with purely random data can be risky, which is why property-based testing is valuable. While using fake but realistic data in tests can be beneficial, it is essential to integrate it properly. fast-check offers a robust solution for this integration.

What's new in fast-check 3.19.0?

· 2 min read
Nicolas Dubien
fast-check maintainer

This release introduces new opt-in options for objects arbitraries such as anything, object, json and jsonValue. These options provide more elegant and shorter ways to produce objects with non-ASCII keys and values.

Continue reading to explore the detailed updates it brings.

What's new in fast-check 3.16.0?

· 5 min read
Nicolas Dubien
fast-check maintainer

This release makes fc.pre safer in terms of typings. It leverages the "assertion function" capability offered by TypeScript. This version has also been focused on preparing the monorepo to move to ECMAScript modules to build itself and on making our documentation better.

Continue reading to explore the detailed updates it brings.

What's new in fast-check 3.14.0?

· 4 min read
Nicolas Dubien
fast-check maintainer

This release changes the way we import type-only files internally in fast-check. While it should not have any visible impact on our clients we preferred to make it a minor.

Continue reading to explore the detailed updates it brings.

Detect prototype pollution automatically

· 4 min read
Nicolas Dubien
fast-check maintainer

Prototype pollution is among the most frequent sources of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures - aka CVE - in the JavaScript ecosystem. As a result, detecting them early has always been a key challenge for fast-check.

In this post, you will learn what they are and how you can find them easily using fast-check.